So, I don't know if you know this about me, but I really like books. All kinds of books. Big ones, small ones, short ones, tall ones.... Basically, if it is a book, I like it.*
There is one book series that I love more than most. It's the Jessica Darling series** by Megan McCafferty. I first read this series when I was a junior in high school, and I just fell in love. The protagonist, Jessica Darling, is more like me than any other literary character I've come across. I read her ramblings in her journal and I think, whoa, did I write this? It's ridiculous how often I find myself agreeing with her thoughts and feelings. Oh, and I can't neglect to mention the incomparable Marcus Flutie. Their love, a love Jessica refused to believe was there, is my favorite to read about out of all the books I've ever read. I'll read it until my days come to an end and still enjoy it more than I could possibly say.
Once the series ended, I didn't know what to do. Will I ever read anything by Megan McCafferty again? The future was looking grim.
But wait! What's this? A NEW BOOK?!
Oh heavenly happenstance! I never thought the day would come where I would get to read more words written by this magnificent woman! I need wait no more! Come April 26, I will have this book in my hands, and will completely devour it.
That is...unless there is some way I can get it sooner...
Excuse me while I dig out my ninja outfit.
*Well, this isn't completely true. I'm not too excited about anything Glenn Beck has written...
**Whose books includes: Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, Fourth Comings, Perfect Fifths