Things I WILL Do This Semester
- Get a job. Seriously. I'm fucking* poor.
- Limit recreational internet use to ONE HOUR a day, unless all homework due the next day has been completed.
- Make more friends.
- Get all A's (To be honest I'm not going to get my heart set on this one. I mean, I almost did it last semester, but that still feels like a fluke to me. We'll see.)
- Blog once a week. (lol maybe.)
Things I Will NOT Do This Semester
- Skip class. (I didn't do this a single time last semester, which was amazing, and I don't expect to do it this semester, but it's still a good goal to have, I think.)
- Skip doing the reading for my History class. (Ugh I don't think I'll follow through with this one, unfortunately.)
- Uhhh I'll probably think of some more once school actually starts.
OKAY THAT'S IT FOR NOW. I'm going to go try to watch Groundhog Day online and read some more Sherlock Holmes. Byeeeeee!
*I used to not care about swearing on this blog because no one read it, but now some of my family does. So family, this message is for you: I can't fucking help it. Sorry. This is how I write now. (I'M 20 WOOOO)