Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am the Girl Anachronism

Sometimes I really feel like I am not living in the right era. I watch movies like Valley of the Dolls and, even though it focus on what the era was like for drug-addicted celebrities, I wonder why I am not living then. Everything about that time, the style, the music, the feel, I for some reason I feel as though I relate better to it. I watch videos like this:

or this:

and think, Thank God there are people out there who understand!

I don't know. This is just something I think about often.
My final in my Costume Fundamentals class requires us to make our own costume based on something from the years 1790-1970. I am definitely making a shift dress. Or something Twiggy inspired.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE TWIGGY! When she was a judge on ANTM, it was the best ever.

    Which brings me too, remember when you kicked me in the face?


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