I spend the vast majority of my day on the internet. I am on Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, and Twitter. (That last one not quite as frequently as the others, but I still cruise around nonetheless.) I'm on Facebook to talk to my friends. I'm on Tumblr for a lot of reasons. There are many hilarious things on the internet and I feel that, at some point, they are bound to find their way to Tumblr. And I want to be there to enjoy the hilarity. In addition, I am a fan of many things and there are people out there who are fans of the things of which I am also a fan. (Convoluted sentence, much?) And finally, I'm on there for the same reason I am on YouTube, at least subconsciously. (And sometimes very consciously.) I WANT TO BE INTERNET FAMOUS.
What a stupid thing to want.
I think the main reason I want to be INTERNET FAMOUS is because there are so many people on the internet (mainly YouTube) with whom I want to be friends. If I am famous, then they will know who I am and we will become friends. I want to interact with the people I find so amazing. I don't care if a bunch of people I don't know like me; I want the people I like to like me. I think that's all anyone really wants.
I was just sitting here thinking about this...and I really just want to stop trying. I want to keep making YouTube videos because I genuinely like doing that. I like Claire and I making a video to each other each week. I just like making things. I will not stop frequenting Tumblr...that would be impossible. But I'm going to stop caring how many followers I have. I'm going to stop going out of my way to do things that I think will make people follow me. I'm going to stop trying so hard. It's just frustrating.
Also, if I were internet famous, someone out there would probably be reading this blog. And I have gotten used to treating it as an online diary. It would be awkward if someone found it.
I'm hungry. Bye.
I want to be famous too! But like, red-carpet famous. Like the great-whore of Hollywood famous. But when I am famous, I'll bring you as my date! And then you can introduce me to Michelle Phan and she can do my make-up