It is thursday evening (thursevening?) and, since I don't have class tomorrow, I don't have anything to do and I am bored so I thought, hey you know what I haven't done in a while? Posted something on my blog. So that's what I'm doing.
I just had the sudden uncontrollable urge (a la DEVO) to go out and buy lipstick. Out, in the wet and cold... Should I do it? SHOULD I?! If I do, I should go now so I'm back before my roommate gets back from work. That way she can't judge me for buying (more) lipstick.
Mwahahaha I did it! Mmmm it's red and I love it.
Weh my face is dumb. But there u go. It's one of those revlon kissable balm stain things. Too bad nobody here wants to kiss me.
On another, somewhat horrible, note: I have bug bites all over my legs and I have NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE FROM and it is freaking me out!!!!!! They are so itchy. I'm going to make an appointment at the health center to see if maybe they can tell me what the fuck is eating me alive. I really don't need this right now, y'all. I've got finals coming up.
Oh my god I hate this new blogger format. I don't know if it's just because I'm weird, but I prefer to have a ton of white space underneath what I'm typing, instead of being able to see everything I've already written. Ugh this is bugging me!!!! Oh I figured out a way around it. Ok cool.
This is the most uninteresting blog ever.
Oh something kind of cool! My (favorite) professor emailed me and asked if I would want to be the student representative on the committee to choose what book the incoming students read over the summer. UM, OF COURSE I WOULD BE INTERESTED! I'm so excited! For one because I get to read and talk about books and also because HE ASKED ME!!!!! Ah! I am so stoked about this I can't even convey it.
I'm hungry. I'm going to go eat cookies.
You/that lipstick look(s) pretty!