Saturday, June 18, 2011

Late Night Thoughts on Old Friends

        I just read Boy Proof by Cecil Castellucci in about two hours. I like reading books like that occasionally, especially during the summer. I am often up late at night, restless, because I sleep until noon so it’s hard to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. It’s 12:47 and I’m actually kind of tired.
I love all things beautiful; it’s all I’ve been reblogging lately on tumblr. Mostly pictures of books. I love books. They are beautiful. I don’t really identify myself with any of the fandoms on tumblr because I’m not as dedicated to one sole thing like a typical fan is.The one thing I’ve been able to focus all of my love and devotion towards for a really long time is books and reading and writing. I think everything surrounding literature is extraordinarily beautiful. The sound of the keys on a keyboard. The way the words look all smooshed together on a page. The way an old book smells. The way books look stacked on top of or next to one another. I want to be surrounded by books wherever I am for as long as I live. They have been my oldest and most loyal friends. I know that no matter who I am or where my life takes me, books will be there until the very end. 

1 comment:

  1. I love words and you and when they're together such as when you write stuff


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