Thursday, December 22, 2011

Grades- Fall 2011

I usually would not devote an entire blog post to my grades this semester, but I am just so shocked at what I got that I NEED to share with SOMEBODY.

This entire semester I had resigned myself to getting a B in Voting Theory and History. And toward the end of the semester I began to accept the fact that I would bet getting a B in Lit, as much as it pains me. Overall I had expected to get 3 B's, an A (in French), and a passing grade in my Literary Magazine Class Meeting Thing. Well, all of my grades have been submitted and this is what I got: (click on it to make it, well, readable)


I got an A- in both Voting Theory and History?! I mean, I know I nearly killed myself studying for my Voting Theory final, I sure worked hard on my final History paper, too. But I did not think I did THAT well! I still can't believe it. Part of me is convinced that my professors in these two classes decided to bump my grade up to an A because they liked me- my History professor constantly referred to us as "homies" because we're both from Tucson and he went to the University of Arizona and I went to high school right down the street, and as for my Voting Theory professor...well I always had the feeling that I was the only one who actually liked that class and the professor, and I tried to show it as often as possible in class. Idk idk maybe I'm just CONVINCED that my having gotten A's in these classes is just impossible. But I am certainly FAR from complaining. And look at that GPA! 3.673! Beauteous! 

I'm so proud of myself for doing so well after essentially taking a year off from really academically challenging school work- no offense Art School. I just hope I'm able to keep this up next semester, when I have 8:15 am classes four days a week.... Wish me luck.

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