Monday, December 5, 2011

Summer Here With an Update

(The title is a reference to YouTube musician Luke Conard. I'm more a fan of his vlogging channel, to be honest, although he is an excellent musician.)

It has been an extremely long time since I last blogged. And now that I am in the midst of finals, I thought that now would be the perfect time to give an update!! Priorities, what?

School is going pretty well. It's hard, but I'm keeping up with my homework. This may be the first time in my whole life that I have turned in every single assignment on time. I've been getting B's on most things, which is totally fine with me. WOO HOO B's. Ugh that hurts me to say. I've always been an A student...but this is difficult. I'm hoping I'll get better.

I think my favorite class would have to be Voting Theory, even though it is the hardest for me to wrap my head around. As I've said in previous blog posts, I love the professor. Definitely my favorite. I really like all of the people in my class, too; it's small enough where everybody is comfortable contributing to discussions and we all meet before tests to study our butts off, because that shit is HARD. I don't think there's any other class where I actually like all of the people. Let's see, Lit? No. History? No, although I do like everyone in my discussion group. French? Not really, but two people brought in french desserts today so today might not be the best day to ask my opinion on them. Camas? There are a few people that I really, really don't like so that cancels out any of the people I actually might like. I don't like that "class" very much at all. I may not take it next semester. In order to sign up for it I have to get a petition to sign up for more than 16 credits, and that just seems like more trouble than it's worth. We'll see.

I'm glad the semester is ending. I am just so donezo with all of my classes and I need a REAL break. Thanksgiving was nice (I spent it here at school by myself. hooray) but it was not nearly enough. I can't wait to be home and have no obligations other than decorating for Christmas, reading tons and tons of books, and turning 20!!! I AM SO EXCITED. I'm just that much closer to being 21...mwahaha.

As far as friends go...I don't really have that many more than I did at the beginning of the year. I talk to people in class, but there's really only three people I've hung out with outside of class. There's Kensie, the Nerdfighter and Whovian mentioned in previous posts. I quite like her; she's in my French and Lit classes and lives in my hall and loves Starbucks as much as I do and baking. I wish I could hang out with her more, but... I don't know. It just doesn't happen. Then there's Gavin, who I actually haven't heard much from lately. For a while he bothered the heck out of me, and I don't mean that he annoyed me I just mean that he was very persistent in hanging out with me. He would come by my room a lot, especially over Thanksgiving because he was also stuck here, and ask me to hang out...but after Thanksgiving he just kind of stopped. I don't know. And finally there's Tommy. He is...a friend. Friend. Yes. Um. You may remember him as the fellow who sat down next to me on the first day of school and asked for my number. Yeah I hang out with him most of the time. And. Yes. I don't know how much I should say because this is...a public blog. And stuff. Oh boy I just made this very awkward didn't I? Welp. HeisgreatokayI'mdonenow.

Boy I just got very tired. But I need to finish preparing for a French presentation Kensie and I are doing tomorrow on CROISSANTS!!!!!!!!! Yummylicious amirite.

Is there anything else I need to update my faithful (LOL) readers (BIGGER LOL) on?! I don't think so. And if there is I'm too tired to remember/care.


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