Monday, September 12, 2011

Wake Up Call

I have been more on top of my homework these past few weeks than I ever have been in my whole life. You would think that I was the greatest student and the most diligent worker in high school, what with my 3.7 GPA. But, no. I was a slacker. I know I did homework at some point, but sometimes I can't remember ever doing homework for a certain class unless it was the last week before the end of the semester. I don't recommend doing things this way; I was just lucky.

Except, of course, with any Math related class. I was never lucky with math. I had to work my ass off to pull up my grade at the end of the semester and usually managed a B, and maybe once or twice an A.

For some reason I was not able to really make myself do a good amount of or a good job on my homework. I was so tired and three cups of coffee did nothing to make me more awake. I tried writing an analysis of a Walt Whitman poem that I really, really like and I could not manage to write anything decent or that made sense. It was awful. I felt like I was reverting back to my slacker ways and I don't like feeling like I have so much to do and still don't do it.

This morning in my Voting Theory class (which is Math) my professor hands back our homework and tells us that we probably did not get a grade that we would like. He was right. I did HORRENDOUSLY. So did everyone, though. I felt awful. I don't want to be doing so poorly this early in the year. It made me realise that what was happening last night CAN'T happen again. I guess everyone has their bad days, but I should have started working on everything on Saturday instead of doing whatever I did. (What did I do? Oh yeah I volunteered! Okay I'm glad I did that.) I need to get going on my homework right after class so it's fresh in my mind and I don't do a terrible job on it later because I don't remember what we went over in class. Shouldn't I have learned this by now?

I have an hour and forty-five minutes until my next class and I have to finish the aforementioned analysis. Then I'll get started on my math homework that isn't due until Friday. That will make everything better.

On a better note, it's actually kind of cool outside! It's starting to (maybe, hopefully) feel like Autumn and I am so excited. Autumn has always been my favorite season. And when it really feels like Autumn I'll feel right getting a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I'm so excited. Favorite beverage of all time. AND the season premiere of Fringe is on September 23rd, which is the first day of Autumn! How perfect!!

Too many exclamation points! Goodbye!

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