It was beaten into me my junior and senior years of high school by my Creative Writing/English teacher to always have a good title. So that's why I don't title my blog posts "Things I Am Thinking About" or "A List of Things" or "I Went to the Dentist and it Wasn't Fun." case you were wondering. Which you probably weren't.
School is going well. I really like all of my classes. (Except Voting Theory occasionally, but it's impossible for me to like a math class 100% of the time.) And that's pretty much the only thing I'm liking at the moment. I have a million years until my next class so I'm going to fill that time by making a list of things on which I am currently hatin'.
1. My Roommate- I know I know, it's only the second week. But I really don't know how I'm going to survive living with this person for an entire year. It's unfair to write bad things about people on the internet, but no one reads this blog so I don't care. I just hope I don't get really famous someday LOL!!!!11 Okay anyway. Things seemed just great at first. She's really nice, she's more awkward than I am (perish the thought!!), and she has a Fringe poster. Everything looked like it was going to go swimmingly! But then. She watches Soap Operas on her computer and laughs VERY LOUDLY and VERY OFTEN and she talks to the characters, even when I'm in here and trying to read about the Ancient Egyptians and Nubians. She is gone all evening and comes back after I've gone to sleep. It's not like I go to sleep early; I try to go to bed by midnight since I have classes in the morning. But she comes back at one am, finds it necessary to open up a new pack of Dr. Pepper and put cans in the fridge, then she watches Futurama on her computer and LAUGHS AND TALKS TO HERSELF. Last night I was trying to sleep and she was doing this so I said, pretty loudly, "HEY DO YOU THINK YOU COULD BE QUIET?" She did not hear me. I almost decided to sleep in the hallway. Also, we have a brita water filter in the fridge (that, for all intents and purposes, is mine) and the only thing I asked of her was to fill it up once the water got below the filter, otherwise the filter would dry out and it would be useless. Did she do this? NOPE. So I put my first ever passive aggressive note on it. It better work I swear to god or I'm taking it out of the fridge and hiding it. One last thing- YOU DON'T PUT ALL OF YOUR GARBAGE INTO THE RECYCLING BIN. IT IS FOR RECYCLABLES. I need to stop writing about this or I'm going to get an ulcer.
2. Not Enough Homework- I'm a total freak for thinking this, I know, but I don't have enough to keep myself busy. I end up reading a chapter ahead of the class because I've finished everything else. There's just nothing else to do here for people who don't interact with other people.
3. McMinnville Sucks- Seriously this town is horrible. The only decent store it has is Goodwill, and it is too far to get to easily. "Downtown" is okay, but it really only has some good restaurants, an okay bookstore, and...I think it has a coffee shop that sells doughnuts. After living in Seattle, I feel like this place is suffocating me. (That is a whole blog post in itself....)
4. Everyone Dresses the Same- Okay people, seriously, do you all shop at the same store? How do you manage to wear a minor variation on the same exact thing? Guys- Nike or Linfield shirt, basketball shorts, flip flops. Girls- tank top, really short shorts, flip flops. I CAN'T TELL YOU APART.
5. Sloppy Firsts Movie- This is my favorite, favorite, favorite book. Of all time. No question. Someone asks me "Hey, Summer, what is your favorite book?" I don't even have to think before I answer "Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty." It has shaped so many parts of my life and who am I am. Well, I heard, from Megan McCafferty herself (via Twitter, it's not like I know her personally or anything) that it is being made it to a movie. I legitimately want to cry. This is the one book I have considered my own for the past three years. I don't want to share it. I don't want an actress to portray a different Jessica Darling than the one in my head. Needless to say I am going to keep so far from this movie. I am not going to have anything to do with it. I just. No. These books are mine and I'm not sharing them.
6. That Girl Who Wouldn't Move Out of the Way on the Sidewalk and Forced Me Into A Tree- Bitch.
That's all for now I think. This sucked but really I'm just killing time until my next class. I still have an hour....
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