I don't really have anything to blog about today. Except, I guess, for the fact that I am itching to start seriously packing for school.
My goal is to only bring what can fit into a checked bag, a carry-on, and a backpack. Sounds daunting, I know. But I think I mentioned that last year I was drowning in all of the stuff I felt it necessary to bring with me to school. Would you like to see a picture? Here you go.
Of course, these pictures were taken when my room was in a state of utmost despair. Despair? Disrepair.... Well, both of those. Anyway, you still get the idea that I had A TON of stuff. No one needs that much stuff. Also, I had mailed home most of my books and impose, so just imagine the whole top of that desk filled with books and movies.
Basically I don't need any more than the necessities, which is true of any person, but I am taking special measures to make sure that this is especially true for me. I want less stuff in my space and more things on my walls.
This post is going nowhere. Probably because I'm watching Flight of the Conchords and I keep getting distracted by the hilarity of this show. If you haven't seen it, I feel very bad for you. SUGAR LUMPS! Best song oh my god okay I'm going to come back to this a little later.
In other news, I bought a book today. It's a collection of short stories called A Model World by Michael Chabon. I wanted to get a book of short stories to bring to school with me because with short stories you don't have to commit to reading a whole novel when you've got the thought of all that homework hanging over your head. And reading a novel will also distract you from said homework. I know this from personal experience. This also has to do with the abundance of stuff I had last year. So. Many. Books. This year I am only bringing the aforementioned book, an Edna St. Vincent Millay poetry collection, and possibly one other book, at the very least so I have something to read on the plane there.
As if you even need it summarized, my Ultimate Goal this year: Become a Minimalist.
Now I'm going to go watch more Flight of the Conchords. And remember: You don't have to be a prostitute.
Days until I go back to Seattle: 11
Days until school starts: 17
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