There is one thing I hate more than pretty much everything else (at the moment, at least), and then is when people bail on plans that have been made almost a week ago. It's not that big of a deal, but I'm still annoyed, because I'm good at that.
My friends and I have this thing we do where we go to a local 24 hour coffee shop, Coffee Exchange, and hang out and play board games or Star Trek Uno (provided by me, because who else would have Star Trek Uno besides this huge nerd?) and eventually leave to go to the park or have some other kind of adventure. This was almost a weekly occurrence last summer but this summer things keep getting in the way. Either people always have to work or no one replies to our "Hey let's go to Coffee Exchange!" message on facebook. I never work because apparently the universe simply does not want me to have a job and I always reply because I like coffee and I like my friends. We had planned to meet up tonight and the plan was all in place, when all of sudden, nearly EVERYONE bails. The one thing I was looking forward to this week (besides watching Lord of the Rings, which my dad and I finished today), and it's not even happening anymore. FINE. I think I'll just go get coffee anyway. And maybe go shopping, because nothing is better than retail therapy.
Boy, could I be any whinier? The answer is yes.
Besides my annoyance, I am going to take a moment to talk about Nail Polish, because it is something I have really grown to love this summer. I love nail polish. I have a good collection growing. A small one, because... well that's just how it is. I have this wonderful blue nail polish that I love, but god forbid I try to remove it using nail polish REMOVER because it leaves my nails and fingers stained blue. It's gross.
And now I am going to paint over this ugly blue stainage with a new color I have acquired. It is called...hang on let me check. It is called Limelight and it is from Ulta. Other people would probably think it's ugly, but whatever maybe I just like ugly things.
Until tomorrow!
Days until I go back to Seattle: 18
Days until school starts: 24
this sounds like my life. my best friend cancels on me so often i want to scream Dx and don't worry about being whiny. it makes me feel less whiny when i hear other people whine.