Okay, I believe you! Sorry, that song has been in my head ever since this girl this morning used Beetlejuice as a mnemonic device for remember this girl Lydia's name. What was her device for my name? "Summer Strawberries on her Skirt." My reaction? "Um, what?" It started with her thinking my name was Hannah. Today has been fun.
I was having the most delightful dream this morning about hanging out with Michael Chabon when my roommate dropped everything she owns onto the floor and woke me up.
Something in the gym just ended, some kind of "Welcome to the Time of Your Life" speech, and I can tell because there is a horde of people walking from it in different directions, like ants from an ant hill. I wonder if everyone walking into my building can hear me watching Daria because I have my window open. I don't care.
What happened to make me so cynical?? I was sitting on a bench reading while I was waiting for dinner because I had nothing else to do and I was bored (what else is new) and I had the strangest sense of deja vu. This is exactly what happened to me my freshman year of high school. This made me feel a lot better about my current situation because high school ended up being pretty okay. I mean, I got some really good friends out of it. Claire, for example. From every new and different school situation, I managed to find one really good friend. Middle school, Melissa (even though she isn't really a good friend anymore, but she was at some point, so.). High school, Claire. Cornish, Ellie. Linfield, chocolate. Wait, I might be a little premature on this one. I did go to the 76 (is that what you call it? Just 76? We don't have those anymore in Arizona) across the street to get chocolate to eat while I watched Daria to make myself feel better. This 76 also sells Four Loko. Made me LOL. Now THAT would have made me feel better. (I do not condone drinking beverages of the same nature as Four Loko in great quantities, especially if you're underage.) (Wow couldn't get through that without laughing.) (Don't follow my bad example.) (If my parents are reading this, just kidding.)
On some other notes, I am seriously considering studying abroad. And by seriously considering I mean going to do anything in my power to do so. I want to study in London. I don't know if I just want to go for the January term for Creative Writing, or for a whole semester. I just want to go no matter what. I did want to take Creative Writing during the January term, anyway, and it looks like it's only offered in London (to be honest I didn't really look at the other countries...) and it seemed like to much of a coincidence to not be considered.
I said "some other notes," giving the impression that I had other things to talk about. I don't think that is actually the case. I am really excited for classes to start tomorrow. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! The reason I'm here. Not sports, not parties. LEARNING. Have I complained yet about the basketball shorts? I believe I have. Well I've started keeping a tally of how many humans of the male species wear something besides basketball shorts. Specifically, pants that aren't of the sweat variety. And the wearing of flip flops automatically cancels out any non-basketball shorts they are wearing. So far I've counted six. In two days. Kill me. No, kill them. Please. Thanks.
Have I mentioned how anxious I am for classes to start?
(Do I even need this countdown?) Days until school starts: 1
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