Monday, August 8, 2011

BEDA 8: My Love for YouTube

Anyone who knows me can tell you that if there is one thing I am passionate about besides books, it’s YouTube. I have been glued to the tubes of you for almost exactly four years. It all started one fine day in late August when my dear friend Claire came over to bake a cake celebrating Bella Swan and Edward Cullen’s wedding engagement. (Yeah. That actually happened. There is photographic evidence. Don’t ask to see it. If anyone I know now sees it, I may have them killed. On second thought...)

After we finished the cake (shown above) and after the Paramore dance party, we went online to watch videos of cats.  Because, well, have you met Claire? We may have watched some Fred videos, too, before he was Fred and back when he made other kinds of videos with his friends and I distinctly remember some Foutains of Wayne songs... Anyway, after that Claire told me I HAD to watch this song this guy did about Harry Potter called Accio Deathly Hallows. Totally down, obviously. After I let the beauty wash over me, we decided to watch more of his videos, from the beginning. Then, what’s this? His brother makes videos, too? I am much intrigued. After Claire left my house, I continued watching the magnificence that are: Daily Vlogs. Nothing could tear me away from that computer screen. Within no time at all, I was a full-fledged NerdFighter. And still am to this day, perhaps even more so.

It is now a weekly occurrence for me to stay up really late at night watching or re-watching my favorite YouTuber’s entire oeuvre. I am currently working (er- re-working) my way through the videos of hayleyghoover. As I began this journey through her video past, I decided to list my favorite YouTubers for those who are wondering and for those looking for something to watch. Now, before you scream in protest and throw eggs or some other foul-smelling food product at me, I am not including the Vlogbrothers in this list. It would be the world’s biggest DUH, and if it weren’t for them this list wouldn’t exist in the first place. So, for once in your life it is acceptable for you to assume something, and that is the fact that the Vlogbrothers are my Numero Uno favorite YouTubers of all time. (Thank you, John and Hank Green, for everything you do.)

And without further ado...

  1. LiveLavaLive- This was the first channel I discovered completely on my own, by going through the browse tab on YouTube. (The first one I watched was Blank Book, and I remember because I thought it was really dumb.... Thank goodness I didn’t let that stop me from watching more....) I watched all of Mitchell Davis’s random videos in one night. This was about three years ago, and every once in a while I’ll go back and watch 50 Cent or Happy Birthday or A Video for the Lost. (Links please.) Mitchell and his best friend Kyle Sibert’s videos have gotten more and more creative as the years have gone by, and I always, always love them. (If you haven’t seen The Party Music III, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!) They are absolutely genius and beyond hilarious and I can’t get enough. (While you’re at it, go watch all of Kylesnexusone. Shhh... Just come.)
  2. Owlssayhooot- I find myself agreeing with nearly everything she has to say. I think her view of the world is lovely and I would love to be able to travel (especially to London) as often as she does. I think she is actually my favorite YouTuber at the moment, so if you don’t already, go treat yourself and have a watch. She is delightful.
  3. Hayleyghoover- Oh my god could this girl be any more hilarious? I do not think so. She is so funny and she never fails to make me laugh. I also love her blog and her love of writing and I am seriously considering doing NaNoWriMo this November because of the video she did about it. Also, her favorite fictional romance is Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie. Oh hey, me too.
  4. Nanalew-Her videos have gotten more and more beautiful this past year or so. I actually started watching her videos because she was (well, is, but it’s kind of...defunct) a part of the collab channel Vlogvetica, with Mitchell Davis and Dan Brown and Meekakitty and Catrific. I watched her videos and I fell in love with them. She can be funny and serious and creative and I love it all.
  5. Italktosnakes-You can tell that Kristina is a really good, nice person just from watching her videos and reading her blog. Her music is great (All Caps, anyone?) and she is really fun and creative. 
Of course, these aren’t all of the YouTubers I watch, these are just my favorites whose videos I consistently watch over and over. Some of my other favorites include: Meekakitty, Nerimon, Charlieissocoollike, Lukeconard (especially Lukeconard2, where he does daily vlogs.), Elmify, Frezned. (There are probably a ton more that I’m missing, but I think you get the idea that I REALLY LOVE YOUTUBE.)

So, there you have it. A list that I have always been meaning to make and never got around to. Among the many people I love on this website, the website itself will always keep me coming back. It’s such a new concept, taking a video camera and recording yourself and your friends or an idea you had and putting it on the internet for the world to see. Its possibilities for creativity are endless and it will always be changing for the better. It’s the people that make it and it will continue to evolve and make it possible for this wonderful, collaborative community to keep growing.

(Now, how many people do you know who are willing to profess their undying love for a website?)

OH! One more thing. Hank Green tweeted about this video today, and it says a lot of what I feel about the YouTube community that I don't talk about in this you should go watch it. Here.

Days until I go back to Seattle: 15
Days until school starts: 21

    1 comment:

    1. Oh lord this makes me so happy!

      Also I remember that we had to get red velvet cake because vampires drink blood (blood=red..... incase you weren't catching on.)

      I really want to make a list now too but I really don't think I could!



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