Ellie will be able to finish that sentence. I wish her phone hadn't broken.
I FINALLY, after hours of searching, found a streaming link for today's NEW episode of Doctor Who. On a very related note, I met a Whovian today! She lives on my floor and she is a fellow English major and she was in my French placement test room and I noticed that she was wearing a Doctor Who shirt. What a coincidence, so am I! So I told her that I liked her shirt and we talked about how excited we are for the new episode.
I just got back from dinner and I was planning on sitting in my room for another hour and a half watching Daria to make myself feel better after a lonely, lonely day. I have not met anyone else like me. I mean, everyone acts like they're from California or something. The guys seem like assholes. For example, when I was standing in line for dinner, minding my own business reading my book, these two guys behind me start talking about this "crazy smart" girl who is, I gathered, rather nerdy. And one gentleman said he wants to get her to open up because she's smart but is probably "freaky." My god. I better meet someone who isn't a huge dickwad soon. Hell, I'd like to meet ANYONE soon. No one talks to me. It doesn't help that, when I think someone is going to start talking to me, I cross the street to avoid them. There just hasn't been anyone with whom I would want to engage in conversation. I am hoping hoping hoping that I meet someone who acts intelligent and likes reading in one of my classes. Since my fellow Whovian is an English major, she'll probably be in one of my required English classes. But I'm not holding my breath that we become friends.
Are there any guys here who don't walk around in basketball shorts? Come on. You look disgusting.
I'm going to watch Doctor Who now.
Days until classes start: 2
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