Thursday, August 25, 2011

BEDA 25: Move In Day

I'm at Linfield! Well, I'm actually in the hotel room right now because the room was so hot I thought I was going to die. But I moved all of my junk on in there and hung up my darling FOTC poster that won't stay up and my Motion City Soundtrack poster. I'll hang up everything else later. We went to JC Penney and Walmart to get last minute things and peanut butter. I met my roommate and her family and they seem really nice. She also had some posters, including A FRINGE POSTER. UM. THAT SO HAPPENS TO BE MY FAVORITE SHOW ON TELEVISION. I flipped out. She brought a tv so I was like, dude, we are watching Fringe always. She vehemently agreed. Yessssss.

My room looks great and I'm really happy with it. And the campus is beautiful and I just want to school to start so I can learning everything. lsdhglksghfkgjhdfkgjhdfjghdk.

Now I'm going to nap because I'm exhausted.


Days until school starts: 4

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