Wednesday, August 3, 2011

BEDA 3: A Sob Story

First of all, I know this is technically Day 2 and techincally BEDEFDA and not BEDA, but I'm going to go ahead and title my posts with BEDA as if I did do the first day so I'm not awkwardly behind everyone else. As if anyone else in BEDA is reading this and is hopelessly confused. Boy, that was an obnoxiously long intro. And it wasn't even an intro. God. Okay.

Today I am going to be discussing a tragedy that has befallen my family. It was a shocking discovery when I walked into the kitchen this morning. My dad and I were planning on finishing our Lord of the Rings viewing with Return of the King, but things did not go as planned.

I come into the kitchen and my dad informs me that we will not be watching Lord of the Rings today. He looks at me and he says...

"The wrong dvd is in here. This... is the Two Towers."

It took everything in me to not break down in the middle of my kitchen and just curl up in a ball and sob. You see, we bought these dvds at Bookman's, a used bookstore, cd store, etc. here in Tucson. The delightful young fellow at the cash register put in the wrong dvd when we checked out. Absolutely devastating! So instead, my father and I watched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It was... okay. If not for the plethora of literary references (I knew M was going to be Moriarty, by the way.)(Oh, Spoiler Alert, I guess. But. Come on.) I don't think I would have enjoyed it at all. Well, I guess I could have enjoyed Sean Connery.

On another note, I finished all five seasons of Daria, and now I'm on to the tv movies. Right now I'm finishing up Is it Fall Yet? I wish I had watched this before I watched the fifth season, because that's where it fits in. It explains where Tom got his car. And really establishes Daria and Tom's relationship.

Wow I really don't have much going on, do I...?

Is it fall yet?

Days until I go back to Seattle: 20
Days until school starts: 26

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